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CEDOS - Chief Economic Development Officers Society

Future of Economic Development Research

CEDOS are undertaking research on behalf of members relating to the future role and skills requirement of economic development professionals in a fast-changing profession. Feedback from CEDOS members has been that there are currently limited opportunities (or awareness of opportunities) to enhance skills and experience through ongoing Continual Professional Development or specialist economic development orientated (and affordable) training courses.

Recognising the important roles we have in providing the right conditions for economies and communities to thrive, the role of economic development is moving more towards a place leadership role.  In response to the above the CEDOS Executive are keen to better understand:

  • What are the likely requirements of an Economic Development function in a changing world?
  • What are the current skills and competencies within CEDOS members?
  • Have CEDOS members been able to recruit or reskill people to fulfil these roles?
  • What type of skills have members found most valuable in their teams?
  • What skills are likely to be required by the profession going forwards?
  • What are the skills and training opportunities that are available at present to allow the Continuing Professional Development of the profession?
  • What are the gaps?
  • What shared resources might be useful – such as template job descriptions, a CPD network or enabling focussed training and is there a potential role for CEDOS to fill any gaps?

We would gratefully appreciate it if members could spare a few minutes to complete the survey which can be accessed hereWe will also be looking to interview a number of CEDOS members over the coming weeks.  If you are happy to be interviewed as part of this process, please email